~So, I had to create a special "friend list" to mark JERKS on it. Below are the OBVIOUS UNCONDITIONAL reasons to get there (in case anyone is interested to get on this list FASTER or to acknowledge their HAVING ALREADY GOT THERE). So:
1. A "friend" asks me how they can listen to my music - JERKING, OF COURSE, because my profile and even each and every photo of mine on it shout about me being singer/songwriter and provide with the link to my MUSIC PAGE with my songs and videos, and more so - EACH newcomer on my profile is PERSONALLY INVITED TO MY MUSIC PAGE BY ME!
2. A "friend" sends me private messages while I clearly and kindly state on my profile that I only communicate with friends on my public pages and provide all the links to get there. Still, they ignore my pages and send me in private - JERKING, OF COURSE!
3. A "friend" wishes me all kind of best under my post in which I ask to vote for me, while THEY DO NOT VOTE, or, more so, they say they do, but they don't even visit the contest page. Clearly it is another way to annoy me - JERKING, OF COURSE!
4. A "friend" comments under my post in which I ask to share my profile with friends (because I'm being blocked and cannot friend new people), saying and asking me all kinds of things - anything BUT sharing my profile as asked! JERKING, OF COURSE!
5. A "friend" asks me WHERE I AM FROM - while it is THE FIRST THING ONE CAN SEE ON MY PROFILE OR READ IN THE INFO of my MUSIC PAGE! If you don't care to read the basics about me, why would I care to respond and promote your laziness. An INTERESTED person FIRST OF ALL looks up all the infos and links. JERKING, OF COURSE!
6. A "friend", knowing about my poor financial situation which is described in details in my Info at my MUSIC PAGE, says to me: 'Natali! Come to NY!' or 'You must come to LA!' or 'When and where is your NEXT concert?' (while I never have any and hardly make ends meet giving English lessons and doing other occasional low paid jobs), etc. - JERKING, OF COURSE! Cynical. Heartless. Outrageous.
7. A "friend" asks me questions about how I am, etc., I take time to answer, and when I ask them my questions they ignore them or respond with irrelevant nonsense. JERKING, OF COURSE...
8. A "friend" asks me questions beyond common ethics, or beyond my personal boundaries that I have adjusted according to the current situation when I cannot tolerate more harm being done to me. Since everyone is aware of my poor health condition and my permanent suffering, annoyance is considered to be JERKING, OF COURSE!!!
9. A "friend" starts any kind of "MIND GAMES" with me. FED UP AND GOT DAMAGED WITH THIS. JERKING, OF COURSE!!!!!!
To be continued... N~*
� ✩ ♡ © Natali Dali - Наталі Далі - Натали Дали
Natali Dali = projects: 1A KamaNDa ( 1:iNDigoDigNity ) = AbaNDa SHAKE
= AbaNDa DRIVE = AbaILa DRIVE = Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) = Natali
Dali - A MISS oN A MISSioN = origin: Наталья Антонова (Наталя Антонова / Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
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